Thursday, February 12, 2009

She who laughs last...

Today is the last day before Friday, could it get any better. Weeks are just flying by like mad monkeys that the Wicked Witch of the West summoned. Yesterday was Wednesday however and it was a normal Wacky Wednesday just as planned.
Nothing exciting all day...sleep-work-homework-then more work.
I did go out with one of the besties to the bar last night for a few drinks. He was there. Normally I would have gotten that awkward feeling in the pit of my stomach, just like I did a few weeks ago when we ran into each other, but not this time. I kinda 'outted' him. Oops!
I did a semi-half turn to my right and kinda glanced toward him just short of his eyes and said 'hello' to his two friends. Never made eye contact, I kinda felt rude....but I really don't know what else to do. It was funny, and I'm still laughing about it as I write this...
There is a VERY good chance that with the way that he portrays himself he doesn't even give a rats ass if I talked to him or not. I never broke that barrier to find out if we could even just be friends, I just pulled the tape and sealed that box shut. Tight!
I do care to some extent. Ehh, maybe I don't. Caring is for suckers, then those suckers get licked then tossed.
If I did indeed get the last laugh, my record will remain unscathed.
I won't have it any other way. I win!

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