Friday, March 20, 2009

True Life: I wanted a New Phone

True Story too! I wanted one very badly, I mean I was on the brink of disaster with the old phone. Jesus, if anyone knows me I like to change things ALOT. I'm thinking that I might be on the verge of a problem, soo insead of dwelling on it Im just going to dismiss the feeling. No need to change it if I am happy, and not completly broke.
So anyways, I got a Palm Centro in August of last year, yea I know only 7 months ago, and I was sick of it. Thank got for some random upgrade option on my phone line, don't know where the heck it came from but I am NOT asking questions! Got my new phone!! Whoo Whoo!
I decided on an upgrade. The blackberry curve. It's Red, I would have preferred Black....oh well.

I am MADLY in love with my phone! I'm addicted to it like a fat kid is to cake, I mean seriously I might have to check myself into BA (Blackberry anonymous)!! Either that or quickly find some other device that gives me satisfaction before the crackberry takes over my life! I just can't understand how one handheld device can be so addicting, oh wait maybe it's because I have Facebook on it. Oops.
Oh well its a ton of fun and I look forward to my next call, text, or facebook if only i could figure out the twitter madness, I'd really be addicted!

Happy Friday!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Set me free

Alot has changed over the last 9 months and I will be the first to admit there have been plenty of struggles, but ones that were well worth the fight. The last 4 or so weeks have been perfect in every way, I am Happy.
I think I am finally on the track of finding myself, not relying on other people to make me happy, I can do it alone!
This last weekend has been the roughest, I helped my sister move. She has moved into the most beautiful place, I am soooo happy for her! I have also been spending time with the ex, even though most people don't agree with it-it has been a blast! I realized last night that I have 5 months to enjoy what I have known for the last 25 years, and all I want is to have fun save some money and look forward to the future because I have no freaking clue what it is going to hold. Deep down I know what I want, I just don't have the complete satisfaction of knowing when, if, or even if it should happen. Time can only tell and until then as long as I have a constant smile on my face and worry about Me, Myself, and I - Life will be great!