Thursday, January 8, 2009


Horoscopes are tricky mind games to me. For the most part I try to sneak a peak at mine at least once a week. Anymore than that and I start to over analyze every single aspect of my life. Not good. At All.
Don't get me wrong I'm not Really a true believer, sometimes these seem just as fake as my 'Oh so perfect' Coach purse. I read on. Curious, yup that's me!!!
Today's horoscope blew me out of the water and spoke to me, how true it is!
Now you, Go ahead Read on:

Your emotions blow one way and then another, like the winds on a spring day. Although it can be fun to fly your thoughts as if they were kites, you never know when a sudden shift will cause a great idea to come crashing down to the ground. Enjoy the variety of possibilities that pop into consciousness, but don't tie your survival to any single direction until you have more time to think.

Oh gosh, yes it is correct! My emotions are just as wishy washy as my mom everynight of the week. Heck yes, this time it's speaking directly to me as a Gemini (and I do have an evil twin....). Rather perplexing to other people but I love my random swing of emotion, its bliss! The end is the scary part...How can I have so much enjoyment from my blossoming emotions yet try to highlight one that will come crashing down on me. That just can't be, I need direction. I need to know how everything is going to work out.

That's when it hit me. (ha..That's what she said!)

I am a complex emotionally unstable control freak.
If it's not in my power to change or fix, I'm throwing a down on the ground child-like fit. I feel fine, so why fix what's not broken.

Screw you Horoscope.
I do what I want!

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