Friday, January 23, 2009

PrimeTime Tv...Rocks my socks!

Never really got into to many shows until the recent break-up, more time on my hands to let my addictive personality do what it does best. Get addicted!!
I am most certainly and over whelmingly addicted to Grey's Anatomy.
Love the people, love the episodes.
Most of all I love the things that I feel when I watch it. I barely get through a single episode without sheding a tear.
Sometimes life works in mysterious ways, and people start to doubt that there is a higher power that will help pull us through it all. This thursdays episode was just amazing....I could watch and re-watch it until I had no tears left to drop.
Moments in life are precious, I never want to take another one for granted. I love life and all the lessons that I'm learning along the way. To see Meredith cry made me realize that no matter what shell we have protecting us on the outside, there is never far to go in order to break it open and see us; Humans at our weakest point....That time when we realize that we are not immortal, we have feelings, and we hurt just like the next person. Showing real emotion is true.
I just wonder.
Is Izzy really sick? I love her...

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