Friday, January 23, 2009

I've been slacking in the blog department.
No excuses, seriously...I have none.
Well except the fact that I can't think of anything even worth writing. The abnormal is starting to evolve into the normal, and its perplexing.
Well, decided to chop my hair off again. So much for trying the grow it out, I get impatient...very easily. When I want change, I want it now!
I've been surfing the net alot lately, browsing the college for the most part.
I have come to one positive conclusion, and the others are still up for debate. Once I get in, I am GOING....for sure, no turning back. That excites me!!!
On the other hand, dorms or no dorms......That is the reoccuring question.
I have kinda started this imaginary list in my head of pros and cons.
The whole point of doing this whole lifestyle change is to meet new people, socalize and finish school the right way. So here's what I have come up with in the case of living in the dorms!

1) I would have a roommate, thus meeting 1 new person right away!
2) I would be more apt to being involved in school stuff, something I have wanted to do.
3) There is no 3....this is sad. ;(

1) Roommate could be an issue. Im compulsive. Enough said.
2) Size. Big one, my room now is the size of a dorm, and I ALONE freak out.
3) Size, yet again....where will my besties from home sleep during visiting times?
4)It would be much more fun off campus with the whole drinking thing.
5) In addition to the drinking thing, what if my roommate is under 21, yuck.
6)Shared bathrooms, yuck to the 1672628 degree! Seriously now, Its like a phobia..or somethin
7) Looks like it will be more expensive to stay in the tiny room.

I swear I am some kind of extraterrestrial, all I think about is this. Over and over, and over again! I have been obsessed with it all since applying.
I just realized how much I like lists, many more to come!

Maybe I have ADD.

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